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Options for creating a new site with Jekyll

Jane Jane Follow Jan 23, 2019 · 1 min read
Options for creating a new site with Jekyll
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jekyll new <PATH> installs a new Jekyll site at the path specified (relative to current directory). In this case, Jekyll will be installed in a directory called myblog. Here are some additional details:

  • To install the Jekyll site into the directory you’re currently in, run jekyll new . If the existing directory isn’t empty, you can pass the –force option with jekyll new . –force.
  • jekyll new automatically initiates bundle install to install the dependencies required. (If you don’t want Bundler to install the gems, use jekyll new myblog --skip-bundle.)
  • By default, the Jekyll site installed by jekyll new uses a gem-based theme called Minima. With gem-based themes, some of the directories and files are stored in the theme-gem, hidden from your immediate view.
  • We recommend setting up Jekyll with a gem-based theme but if you want to start with a blank slate, use jekyll new myblog --blank
  • To learn about other parameters you can include with jekyll new, type jekyll new --help.
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Written by Jane Follow
All the world's a stage. And all the men and women merely player.; They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts.